Monday, September 21, 2009

From passion to profession

Bucket list:
A list of things you want to do before you die. Things you do when you realize you only have one life, one chance.
Things on this list are checked off when you realize your not living the life you dream of. Following a bucket list is trying to make up for not living to the fullest.

Fuck it list:
A series of things you do while you live. Things you do because you know you only have one life, one chance.
Things on this list are added on as you live the life you dream of. Writing a fuckit list is an attempt to inspire others to write their own.

For a little over a year now I have been traveling at random with the purpose of experiencing life, people, places. I have had no real direction, just an idea of building an international project directory. A system for helping change ideas into reality.

To help promote these ideas and inspire others to work together, I thought I could start filming a documentary about the process. I had been throwing ideas around for a couple of years, so many I didn't know where to start, when one night I met a dude waiting for a drink at a club. When Mark told me he was about to sail to Vanuatu and he was looking for crew, I thought fuck it... Ill start here. I dropped out of uni, sold or gave away all my possessions and chased lost passport documentation around the country. I had no money, no plan, a couple cameras and basic survival gear. Then in one of the most defining moments of my life, I jumped on a boat to sail through the pacific, in a storm, with a gay couple I met in a bar... two weeks earlier.

Unfortunately, while my adventures have been amazing and insightful, my ability to capture these events have not been as successful. I took a Canon 1000D DSLR through India and started taking some decent photos. After a bit of a half assed effort I have once again decided to say fuck it: I can and will do this properly. NOW.

At present I am working on my photography, film making and project management skills, even building and designing my own camera equipment. Ignoring that Im all but officially bankrupt, (probably because I haven't had a fixed abode for close to two years and they don't know where to find me) Im hitting the road in my home country New Zealand. Yaron, a fellow traveler I met in the Himalayas and business partner for this part of the project is the techie, also learning as we go, he made our website which will follow our trip around NZ as we learn to film, photograph and start building a project directory.

So I start retrospectively, and lead on to what will be a documentary project like you have never seen before...

Hefty dreams?

Heres some reality....

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